Prof. Francesco Gringoli

I am Full Professor at DII (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione), University of Brescia, Italy, where I work in the Advanced Networks Systems (ANS) research group.
My current research interests include security assessment, performance evaluation and medium access control in Wireless networks; high-speed packet processing techniques for the analysis and management of network traffic; and statistical analysis of users’ behaviours on social network platforms. During the years I created a wide network of contacts that include many Universities and Companies around the world.
I am co-author of more than 120 papers published in international journals or in proceedings of international conferences: my bibliography indexes reported by Google Scholar count 4518 citations and 32 as h-index. An updated list of my papers can be found in my CV here.
I am regular member of the Technical Program Committee in major IEEE conferences and reviewer for major IEEE and ACM technical journals. I am editor for Hindawi Mobile Information Systems and Hindawi/Wiley Security and Communication Networks journals.