Prof. Renato Lo Cigno
I am Full Professor at DII (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione), University of Brescia, Italy, where I have founded, together with Prof. Francesco Gringoli the Advanced Networks Systems (ANS) research group. More info will come soon on a personal, more structured web site, for the time being I’m building it, so the footer links brings you back here.
I’m also the representative for the University of Brescia in the Members Assembly of CNIT the Italian National University Consortium for Telecommunications.
Formerly I was with the University of Trento, where I spent more than 15 years and where I still have collaborations and PhD students. There you can find many news about “my previous life”, always working and teaching networks and networked systems.
I was born in Ivrea, Italy, in 1963. I graduated from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) with a master degree in Electronic Engineering in July 1988. I worked in Politecnico, in the Telecommunication Networks Group (yes, you are right, networks are my research area!!) of the Electronics deparment until 2002. From june 1998 to february 1999 I spent a sabbatical period as a visiting scholar at the Computer Science Department of UCLA, where I worked with Mario Gerla.
My research interests and in analysis, evaluation and design of telecommunications and computer networks, spanning from optical networks, to wireless, to overlays such as P2P and Anonymous Networks.
I am co-author of over 200 papers published in international journals and presented in leading international conferences, you can browse through my publications: many are available in PDF together with some slides.
I am senior member of IEEE and ACM, associate editor of ACM/IEEE Transaction on Networking and Elsevier Computer Communications. I served as Area Editor for Computer Networks (Elsevier) for 5 years. I have been (and currently are) in the Organizing or TPC committees of leading conferences, from Infocom, Globecom, ICC, VNC, MSWiM, LANMAN, MedComNet and more.
I am currently chair of the Steering Commettee of WONS, a small, focused, annual, IFIP and IEEE sponsored workshop on wireless, on-demand networks and systems. Last year I contributed to the organization of MedComNet 2020 as TPC Co-Chair together with Prof. Falko Dressler from the University of Paderborn. Lately I was appointed TPC Co-Chair of IEEE VNC 2017.